Retrieve an Event for a Project

GET /api/0/projects/{organization_id_or_slug}/{project_id_or_slug}/events/{event_id}/

Return details on an individual event.

Path Parameters

organization_id_or_slug (string)

The ID or slug of the organization the event belongs to.

project_id_or_slug (string)

The ID or slug of the project the event belongs to.

event_id (string)

The ID of the event to retrieve. It is the hexadecimal ID as reported by the client.


<auth_token> requires one of the following scopes:
  • project:read
curl{organization_id_or_slug}/{project_id_or_slug}/events/{event_id}/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>'
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This" ], [ 70, " // is expected behavior and NOT indicative of a bug with sentry.javascript." ], [ 71, " return fn.apply(this, wrappedArguments);" ], [ 72, " // tslint:enable:no-unsafe-any" ], [ 73, " }" ], [ 74, " catch (ex) {" ], [ 75, " ignoreNextOnError();" ], [ 76, " withScope(function (scope) {" ] ], "symbolAddr": null, "trust": null, "symbol": null }, { "function": "apply", "errors": null, "colNo": 24, "vars": null, "package": null, "absPath": "webpack:////usr/src/getsentry/src/sentry/node_modules/reflux-core/lib/PublisherMethods.js", "inApp": false, "lineNo": 74, "module": "usr/src/getsentry/src/sentry/node_modules/reflux-core/lib/PublisherMethods", "filename": "/usr/src/getsentry/src/sentry/node_modules/reflux-core/lib/PublisherMethods.js", "platform": null, "instructionAddr": null, "context": [ [ 69, " */" ], [ 70, " triggerAsync: function triggerAsync() {" ], [ 71, " var args = arguments," ], [ 72, " me = this;" ], [ 73, " _.nextTick(function () {" ], [ 74, " me.trigger.apply(me, args);" ], [ 75, " });" ], [ 76, " }," ], [ 77, "" ], [ 78, " /**" ], [ 79, " * Wraps the trigger mechanism with a deferral function." ] ], "symbolAddr": null, "trust": null, "symbol": null } ], "framesOmitted": null, "registers": null, "hasSystemFrames": true }, "module": null, "rawStacktrace": { "frames": [ { "function": "a", "errors": null, "colNo": 88800, "vars": null, "package": null, "absPath": "", "inApp": false, "lineNo": 81, "module": null, "filename": "/_static/dde778f9f93a48e2b6e58ecb0c5eb8f2/sentry/dist/vendor.js", "platform": null, "instructionAddr": null, "context": [ [ 76, "/*!" ], [ 77, " Copyright (c) 2018 Jed Watson." ], [ 78, " Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see" ], [ 79, "" ], [ 80, "*/" ], [ 81, "{snip} e,t)}));return e.handleEvent?e.handleEvent.apply(this,s):e.apply(this,s)}catch(e){throw c(),Object(o.m)((function(n){n.addEventProcessor((fu {snip}" ], [ 82, "/*!" ], [ 83, " * JavaScript Cookie v2.2.1" ], [ 84, " *" ], [ 85, " *" ], [ 86, " * Copyright 2006, 2015 Klaus Hartl & Fagner Brack" ] ], "symbolAddr": null, "trust": null, "symbol": null }, { "function": null, "errors": null, "colNo": 149484, "vars": null, "package": null, "absPath": "", "inApp": false, "lineNo": 119, "module": null, "filename": "/_static/dde778f9f93a48e2b6e58ecb0c5eb8f2/sentry/dist/vendor.js", "platform": null, "instructionAddr": null, "context": [ [ 114, "/* @license" ], [ 115, "Papa Parse" ], [ 116, "v5.2.0" ], [ 117, "" ], [ 118, "License: MIT" ], [ 119, "{snip} (){var e=arguments,t=this;r.nextTick((function(){t.trigger.apply(t,e)}))},deferWith:function(e){var t=this.trigger,n=this,r=function(){ {snip}" ], [ 120, "/**!" ], [ 121, " * @fileOverview Kickass library to create and place poppers near their reference elements." ], [ 122, " * @version 1.16.1" ], [ 123, " * @license" ], [ 124, " * Copyright (c) 2016 Federico Zivolo and contributors" ] ], "symbolAddr": null, "trust": null, "symbol": null } ], "framesOmitted": null, "registers": null, "hasSystemFrames": true }, "mechanism": { "type": "generic", "handled": true }, "threadId": null, "value": "GET /organizations/hellboy-meowmeow/users/ 403", "type": "ForbiddenError" } ], "excOmitted": null, "hasSystemFrames": true } }, { "type": "breadcrumbs", "data": { "values": [ { "category": "tracing", "level": "debug", "event_id": null, "timestamp": "2020-06-17T22:26:55.266586Z", "data": null, "message": "[Tracing] pushActivity: idleTransactionStarted#1", "type": "debug" }, { "category": "xhr", "level": "info", "event_id": null, "timestamp": "2020-06-17T22:26:55.619446Z", "data": { "url": "/api/0/internal/health/", "status_code": 200, "method": "GET" }, "message": null, "type": "http" }, { "category": "sentry.transaction", "level": "info", "event_id": null, "timestamp": "2020-06-17T22:26:55.945016Z", "data": null, "message": "7787a027f3fb46c985aaa2287b3f4d09", "type": "default" } ] } }, { "type": "request", "data": { "fragment": null, "cookies": [], "inferredContentType": null, "env": null, "headers": [ [ "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; 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