Supported Browsers

We support a variety of browsers; check out our list.

Sentry's JavaScript SDKs require ES2018 compatibility plus support for globalThis. The minimum supported browser versions are:

  • Chrome 71
  • Edge 79
  • Safari 12.1, iOS Safari 12.2
  • Firefox 65
  • Opera 58
  • Samsung Internet 10

In addition, the Sentry JavaScript SDKs require the fetch API to be available. If you need to support browser-like environments that do not have fetch available, you should include a polyfill for the fetch API.

The Sentry JavaScript SDK uses ES2018 syntax and functionality to provide the best possible user experience and lowest bundle size. If you want to support IE11 (or other environments that do not support ES6), you need to transpile your code using a bundler like webpack, Vite, Rollup, etc and add polyfills for ES5 functionality.

7.x of the Sentry JavaScript SDKs use ES6 syntax, along with a few other ES6+ language features, such as object spread. If you are down-compiling your code in order to target older browsers that don't support such syntax, you'll need to include the Sentry SDK in that process.

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