
Wraps native browser APIs to capture breadcrumbs. (default)

Import name: Sentry.breadcrumbsIntegration

This integration is enabled by default. If you'd like to modify your default integrations, read this.

The breadcrumbsIntegration wraps native APIs to capture breadcrumbs.

By default, the Sentry SDK wraps the console, dom, fetch, history, and xhr browser APIs to add breadcrumbs. You can opt out of capturing breadcrumbs for specific parts of your application (for example, you could say don't capture console.log calls as breadcrumbs) via the options below.

  integrations: [
      console: true,
      dom: true,
      fetch: true,
      history: true,
      xhr: true,

Type: boolean

Log calls to console.log, console.debug, and so on.

Type: boolean | { serializeAttribute: string | string[] }

Log all click and keypress events.

When an object with a serializeAttribute key is provided, the Breadcrumbs integration will look for given attribute(s) in DOM elements while generating the breadcrumb trails. Matched elements will be followed by their custom attributes, instead of their ids or class names.

Type: boolean

Log HTTP requests done with the Fetch API.

Type: boolean

Log calls to history.pushState and related APIs.

Type: boolean

Log whenever we send an event to the server.

Type: boolean

Log HTTP requests done with the XHR API.

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