Set Up

Get started with Sentry's Dev Toolbar, bringing critical Sentry insights and tools into your web app to help your team troubleshoot more effectively.

You need to complete two steps to get the toolbar rendered on the page:

  1. Add or dynamically inject the following script into your web app:

    <script src=""></script>

    It is recommended that you add the script tag at the bottom of the page so it doesn’t block other critical JavaScript.

  2. Call window.SentryToolbar.init(initConfig) to set up a toolbar instance on each page where you want to see the Dev Toolbar. Take care to also conditionally load the toolbar in your production environment.

        <script src=""></script>
          window.SentryToolbar.init({ ... });
  3. Edit Project Settings in Sentry so the Toolbar is allowed to connect from your dev, staging, and production domains. Sentry's Dev Toolbar Settings Page

If you have called SentryToolbar.init({...}) to render the toolbar, but now want to manually remove or unmount it from the page, you can call the cleanup function that is returned from init(). This will unmount all the injected HTML and CSS. Login credentials will not be removed, so you can re-insert the toolbar and still be authenticated.

const unmountToolbar = window.SentryToolbar.init({ ... });

// sometime later...

The following options can be passed into the .init() function.

At minimum, you should be calling .init() with these two options:

  organizationSlug: "acme",
  projectIdOrSlug: "website",

And you can include any additional options from this list:

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
organizationSlugstringThe organization that users should login to. For example 'acme'Required Value
projectIdOrSlugstring | numberThe project for which this website/webapp is associated.Required Value
environment (optional)string | string[] | undefinedThe environment of this deployment. Used to narrow search results in the Toolbar UI. Set to undefined or "" or [] if you want to see results from all environments.undefined
placement (optional)'right-edge' | 'bottom-right-corner'Where to render the toolbar on the screen.'right-edge'
theme (optional)'system' | 'dark' | 'light'Whether to use dark or light mode.'system'
featureFlags (optional)FeatureFlagAdapter | undefinedSee Implement FeatureFlagAdapter belowundefined
sentryOrigin (optional)string | undefinedThe origin where Sentry can be found. Used for loading the connection to Sentry, and generating links to the website. For example: ''''
domId (optional)string | undefinedThe id given to the <div> that is created to contain the toolbar html.'sentry-toolbar'
debug (optional)string | undefinedA comma separated string of debug targets to enable. Example: 'logging,state'. If the list contains 'all' or 'true' then all targets will be enabled. Valid targets: 'logging' 'login-success' 'settings' 'state'undefined
mountPoint (optional)HTMLElement | () => HTMLElement | undefinedWhere to mount the toolbar in the DOM.document.body

In order to integrate your feature flagging platform with the Dev Toolbar, you will need an adapter that can read flag data from your provider, and also store and retrieve a list of overrides to apply to your local browser session.

We plan to create adapters for OpenFeature and LaunchDarkly soon.

The adapter interface is:

type FlagValue = boolean | string | number | undefined;
type FlagMap = Record<string, FlagValue>;
interface FeatureFlagAdapter {
   * All known flag names and their evaluated values.
  getFlagMap: () => Promise<FlagMap>;

   * Any overridden or manually set flags and values.
  getOverrides: () => Promise<FlagMap>;

   * Manually set a flag to be a specific value, overriding the evaluated value.
  setOverride: (name: string, override: FlagValue) => void;

   * A callback to clear all overrides from this browser.
  clearOverrides: () => void;

   * Deeplink into your external feature-flag provider and find out more about
   * this specific flag.
    urlTemplate?: undefined | ((name: string) => string | URL | undefined);

MockFeatureFlagAdapter.tsx is an example adapter to use as a reference.

Since the Dev Toolbar is deployed onto specific pages, it's strongly recommended that you consider which environments the toolbar should apply to.

In dev and staging environments, you might want to unconditionally include the toolbar so that all developers and testers can use it and quickly go from the page they're looking at back to Sentry for further debugging.

The code might look like this:

const env = process.env.SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT || 'development';

const isDev = env === 'development' || env === 'staging';
if (isDev ) {
  SentryToolbar.init({ ... });

In production, it's strongly recommended to conditionally include the Dev Toolbar <script> tag so that only members of your Sentry organization can see it. The specific implementation for conditionally including the Dev Toolbar is something you'll need to write based on how your app works and how your dev team is set up.

For example, if your web application requires authentication to access, you could add a conditional where the Dev Toolbar is shown always when deployed to development and staging, but in production only show the toolbar if an employee is logged in.

If the toolbar <script> is accidentally included on your site, and SentryToolbar.init() is called, then a "Login to Sentry" button will be visible to the public. This is not ideal, but your data in Sentry will still be safe as users outside of your Sentry organization will not be able to authenticate themselves.

It's possible to dynamically insert the script tag inside a single-page app, prior to calling SentryToolbar.init(), so that it’s only visible to authorized users. See docs/ for example code. This will help reduce network traffic for your users because they do not have the credentials needed to login. This example code will be eventually implemented as an NPM package, but for now it can be done manually.

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